Tasheena E. Bowden
also known as DJ Tash. A Young Female Disc Jockey, Entrepreneur, Video Editor, & Graphic Designer born and raised in the small country of Belize, located in Central America and the Caribbean Region. Tasheena has taken the initiative to strive and put her effort through mixing music and bringing her creativity to life.
Tasheena was born on June 8, 2001, as the only daughter for both parents. While growing up, she was raised by the James Family who took her in as their very own little sister/daughter. She first started her Disc Jockey career by learning how to mix music together from a cousin named Selecta James (Fenton A. James Jr.). In 2015 the basics were learnt and she started to take her skills out to her peers at every small event at her high school (Pallotti High School). At the ending of 2018, she joined the Statick Sounds Crew. The Young Female DJ started to learn new tricks which made her gain more skills along with exposure to different types of events, club settings, and people. In the year of 2019 she decided to work independently.

Bowden has ultimately grabbed the record of over 900+ people at her two famous parties which were hosted in June & August 2019. From then she saw the potential to promote herself even more. In that same year Tash met her two closest music brothers, Prince Kevin & DJ Junyah and began tagging with them at every event in the country. In 2020, she had signed to Rumajay Mas but later removed herself in 2022.
Later that same year, DJ Tash became a Premier Musician onboard the Celebrity Cruises Vessel, travelling the world only at the age of 20 making her the youngest Belizean to join cruise ships. Her primary role in the show "Night of Dreams" was the Mad Hatter, who was also the MC/DJ. That show enabled Tasheena to have experience in Stage/Theatre Production shows.
Presently, DJ Tash is now signed to Virgin Voyages, as the 2nd Crew DJ in the company and the 1st Crew DJ on the Valiant Lady Vessel.
Tasheena's message to all young females who have the ambition or dream to become a Disc Jockey is to aim for the highest, and strive for success because your success only begins with you.
From Great Our Client.
“A friend got me a job on the door of the Camden Palace nightclub, which quickly progressed to running the place.”

Jennifer Aster
Musician”Crunk music is the music of the south, it pervades every club and nightclub not only in America, but all over the world.”

Stevane Krawella
Dancer"I'm the sort of person who takes a camera to dinner or a nightclub because I enjoy taking pictures of people."